If you are interested in running an equipped2succeed programme you will need a licensed facilitator. On this page you will find all the details you need to choose the right facilitator for you and their contact details.
Only facilitators featured on this page are licensed to deliver equipped2succeed workshops and programmes. If we don’t currently have a licensed facilitator in your area please get in touch to discuss your options.
Beverley Burton - UK and International
Creator of the equipped2succeed framework, programme and workshops and published author of “equipped2succeed”
Beverley’s focus:
Empower - Enable - Equip
Contact number: 07973 138345
Email: beverley@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“We all have far more within us than we realise. I love to see individuals find their power. I love to see individuals grow, achieve, thrive and create a positive difference, for themselves, their family, their community and beyond.”
- Beverley Burton
Harriet Franklin - UK and International
My career is predominantly focused within the health and fitness industry, supporting professionals to engage and enable more people to live healthier and happier lives. equipped2succed compliments what I do brilliantly and allows me to work with an incredibly diverse range of individuals.
Harriet’s focus: Developing peoples capacity to thrive despite their starting point. Supporting people to take responsibility for their health, wellbeing and future.
Contact number: 07919 055 177
Email: harriet@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“Seeing Beverley transform so many lives with the equipped2succeed programme inspired me to support its growth. I’ve not come across any other programme which can be applicable to everyone, from ex-offenders to business executives. ”
Alya Jameel - Second Chance Learning Academy - Nottingham City
Alya is passionate about supporting girls and women maintain their wellbeing, aspire and achieve in her home city of Nottingham. She is a mother of 5 and her personal and professional experience has given her an insight into the challenges many in our communities’ face. Alya is committed helping women and girls to thrive.
Alya has had a varied career and trained to become an equipped2succeed Lead Facilitator after experiencing the benefits of the programme herself. Her focus is working with women and girls; enabling them to build confidence, maintain wellbeing, overcome challenges, set goals and create a better future for themselves.
Contact number: 07399 630885
Email: alya@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“When I went on equipped2succeed I’d lost my spark and confidence. I was very sceptical about how it could help me, but I soon learnt that this was different. My mindset, health and wellbeing improved, and I regained my confidence and spark. I soon decided that I wanted to deliver this and take the programme to teenage girls. I love my role as a trained facilitator, helping to lead projects with girls and women and seeing the positive difference in other people who complete the programme.”
Martin Cook - Self Help UK - Nottinghamshire
My diverse background will enable me to encourage individuals to recognise and value their own success when engaging in the e2s programme. I have been a a frontline manager in health and social care, specialising in palliative and respite care with dementia. I have set up and run two companies - which allowed me to learn and develop valuable business skills. I have also taught in Further Education, with a focus on vocational qualifications for support and management staff across the health and social care and childcare sectors. During this time I facilitated an academy (alongside Job Centre Plus) to support individuals with additional needs who wanted to work in the care sector.
Three key areas I am passionate about are: Older people facing social isolation, LGBTQ+ communities, “Hard to reach” employment sectors
Contact number: 07706 196901
Email: martin.cook@selfhelp.org.uk
“equipped2succeed encourages individuals from all backgrounds to recognise their own resources and expertise from their lived experiences. ”
Rohey Bah - Second Chance Learning Academy - Nottingham
Rohey originates from Gambia and was inspired to come to England after being the Youth Representative to the Commonwealth. She had a variety of roles with Tescos. Following the birth of her second child Rohey talks about retreating into her ‘Gambian bubble’ of people closest to her. Rohey has personal experience of the challenges that women and girls can face and is passionate about inspiring achievement in her community.
Rohey had a variety of roles in Tescos but really enjoyed being involved in optometry. After going on an equipped2succeed programme in 2015/16, ‘when I was at my lowest’, Rohey set two goals, to train to become an equipped2succeed Facilitator and work in an opticians. Whilst she was training, Rohey worked part-time as a carer. She now works part-time at Specsavers and with SCLA as an equipped2suceed facilitator. Her focus is working with women and girls; enabling them to aspire, build confidence, overcome challenges, set goals and build a better future for themselves.
Contact number: 07508 026762
Email: rohey@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“After having her two children my confidence was at an all-time low. I become too shy to speak to anyone other than my closest friends. Before equipped2succeed I didn’t interact with people I didn’t know. Now I can speak to anybody – that wouldn’t have happened before. equipped2succeed is different from other courses which aim to improve your life; it doesn’t dwell on your past; it is all about focussing on where you want to be and giving you the confidence to get there.”
James Hughes - Futures for You - Nottingham City
My background is relatively varied but has predominately involved supporting others to progress in their lives. I have worked as a Teaching Assistant, an SEN Teacher, an Advocate for people with learning disabilities, an Employment Adviser and finally, a Careers Coach. All of these varied experiences have helped me develop a passion to see and support people succeeding in life, however small or big their goals are. I believe this has played a large part in helping me successfully deliver e2s effectively.
My current focus is working with young people (16-18 years old) in Nottingham, who are not in education, employment or training. The aim is to support as many of those young people as possible in to college, apprenticeships, jobs or training opportunities; the e2s programme ties in perfectly with supporting those young people to achieve their goals and progress in life.
Contact number: 07918 943098
Email: james.hughes@futuresforyou.com
“The training programme to become an e2s facilitator was the best training course I have ever undertaken. I learnt so much about myself, grew in confidence and it gave me renewed focus and a clear vision for my future. When I then delivered e2s, I saw a similar impact in the young people I was delivering to. Over 12 weeks they were transformed, being filled with confidence and motivation.”
Monica Kerr - Sheffield and South Yorkshire
Monica has vast experience of managing and delivering a wide range of training: enabling others to realise their potential. She has been a licensed equipped2succeed Trainer since 2015.
Monica’s focus: Working with adults experiencing challenges to their wellbeing and wanting to increase their levels of life satisfaction. Monica also co-delivers training individuals to become equipped2succeed Licensed Trainers.
Contact number: 07751 792486
Email: Monica.Kerr@aim4change.me.
Website: www.aim4change.com
“Training to deliver equipped2succeed motivated and enabled me to change what wasn’t working in my own life, and delivering it inspires me – seeing participants develop, grow and positively move on.”
Danyul Reid - Youth Justice Service - Nottingham City
Danyul is committed to supporting the communities in his home city of Nottingham, particularly young people at risk. His experiences growing up gives him an insight into the challenges facing young people, and his passion and commitment to helping young people shines through.
Danyul’s career, working in a variety of sectors, has focused on enabling young people excluded, in trouble or at risk create a better future for themselves.
Contact Number: 07882 727309
Email: danyul@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“Being a young person can be tough and many young people don’t have positive role models in their lives. They may be thrown into parenthood at an early age, have a stressful home life or be affected by poverty. Joining a gang can be attractive, but we know that if they are given the chance to prove they have value they are more likely to resist negative influences and life-style choices. I have seen that equipped2succeed teaches participants that they may not be able to change the past, but that that can take control of their own futures.”
Cindy Carter-Foster
My background has always focused on community education projects. I have worked with varied groups including young people, special needs, resident groups, charities, mainstream schools and the voluntary sector. My passion is with community arts. I incorporate creative learning within my delivery, with a drive to gain the most learning for participants. I am currently working with diverse community groups to encourage independence and life-long learning. equipped2Succeed complements neighbourhood and community development as well as individual growth: ideal for bringing about positive change.
Contact number: 07444740877
Email: cindy@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“Having been through the training myself, I know it’s benefits both personal and professional. I have changed so much in my general life approach, as well as giving me a driven focus on my future. Becoming a facilitator with equipped2succeed means I can offer others the same opportunity. There is no other training like it.”
Nicky Quinton - Quintessential Coaching - East Midlands
Nicky is a former secondary school teacher and senior leader, with 22years experience. She is passionate about equitable opportunities in education and beyond. Nicky’s extensive experience in pastoral leadership drives her continued passion to ensure that all young people experience a holistic, skills-based curriculum: one that provides them with meaningful, life-long skills that support them as they navigate life, during and beyond formal education.
Nicky is equally passionate about supporting the wellbeing and personal development of the staff who work in education. She believes that all those who invest their time and energy into the development and care of others are deserving of the same.
Email: nicky@equipped2succeed.co.uk
“Education goes beyond the classroom. A meaningful and effective education provides robust foundation stones for life.’ Nicky has seen, at first hand, the transformative impact that equipped2succeed can have on young people.
All too often in schools we buy in programmes with a view to enrich our pupils’ learning experiences and broaden their learning curriculum but the impact of them is short lived. Over the years I have seen many projects and events being enjoyed, on the day, spoken about for a few weeks but forgotten before the end of the year.
What makes equipped2succeed so different is the organic personal growth journey that students travel on. The learning path is a guided one, it is done with them, not to them. Ultimately the learning sticks because the students have driven their own reflection and self-development. The equipped2succeed team simply made clear the path.”
Wendy Blunt - Chesterfield and the surrounding area
After a long career with Chesterfield Borough Council, Wendy became an equipped2succeed Trainer in 2016. Wendy supports and delivers programmes as part of her role as a Community Development and Health and Wellbeing Officer.
Wendy’s focus: Working with vulnerable members of the community in areas where there is higher deprivation; to improve aspiration, motivation and expectations, and better equip people to thrive.
Contact number: 07980 337715
Email: wendyblunt@sky.com
“Seeing so many people, especially young mums, lacking belief in themselves, and feeling stuck, made me want to train to deliver equipped2succeed to enable people to develop the capabilities to have a more positive future.”
Amanda Roberts - Chesterfield and Sheffield
After a long career in the beauty industry, Amanda now has her own business and spends much of her time training others to be beauty therapists. Amanda become an equipped2succeed Trainer in 2018.
Amanda’s focus: Work with young people and adults developing their skills to gain employment in the beauty industry and delivering equipped2succeed a range of people in the community.
Contact number: 07548 877789
Email: amanda@face2facetherapy.co.uk
“After completing an equipped2succeed programme myself, and seeing the benefits, I recognised that this was a missing link in the beauty training I do. I recognised that many young people need to develop confidence, people skills and many other capabilities to be able to effectively use their technical training.”